Channel: Mom Fitness Journal

Dos and Don'ts of Losing Weight While Breastfeeding

Can you lose weight while breastfeeding? ABSOLUTELY. Just like losing weight during any other time, to lose weight while breastfeeding, you must do it sensibly.

A lot of new moms become overzealous about the weight loss process, and try to copy celebrity mums weight loss by going on restrictive diets. Or they overeat. (With my first postpartum experience, I consumed over 1000 more calories than recommended daily amount, thinking that breastfeeding requiresthat much.) Either way isn't healthy.

With my second child, I am losing weight at one pound every two weeks. Momentum isn't fast, but at least weight is coming off steadily and healthily. (I have lost about 30 pounds over the past three months, and have only seven more to go.) Plus, I am breastfeeding exclusively.

So how doyou lose weight while breastfeeding then? Below is a dos and don'ts list as guideline:

Do: eat

Don't: eat crap

By crap I meant unhealthy foods like saturated and trans fat, sugar, soda, and processed foods. Avoid those if you can, and eat clean, natural and nutritious foods like protein, vegetables, fruits, and whole wheat.

Do: consume enough calories

Don't: consume empty calories

Look up your recommended caloric intake online, and ensure that you eat that much. Then, make each calorie count by consuming only nutritious foods. Avoid empty calories like sugary beverages and snacks. They don't do much for your body, and will only take space in your stomach.

Do: exercise

Don't: start too rigorously

Not only is exercising good for your body, it also give you a much-needed break from the baby. However, start slow. Your body just went through nine months of "torture." Your joints are loosened; your muscles are stretched; and you lost a lot of flexibility. Gradually introduce your body to exercise again, as opposed to straining it even more by going too much too soon.

Walking for weight loss is great for new moms, and so is yoga, pilates, and light weight training.

Thanks for reading!

I know how you feel. Been through it twice. It is so hard losing postpartum flab. But don't worry, as long as you eat well and work hard, the weight will come off.

If you have success stories or your own dos and don't to share, please leave a comment.  

10 Commandments of Clean Eating

Having trouble figuring out what clean eating is? Follow the rules below, and THOU SHALL LOSE WEIGHT.

1. Thou shall eat.

Clean eating is not a diet, but a lifestyle. The trick is to eat simple, healthy foods, instead of foods that are high in fat and full of empty calories.

2. Thou shall cut fake sugar.

Natural sugar that come from fruits and vegetables are good for you. But refined sugar like high fructose corn syrup are unnatural and aid in weight gain. Try cutting them out from your diet.

3. Thou shall drink a lot of water.

Water not only cleanses the system but also hydrates your muscles and help them perform better. Aim for 8 - 10 glasses per day.

4. Thou shall load up on fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are good for you. Period.

5. Thou shall eat out less.

When you eat out, you don't know what each plate of food contains. Try to cook your meals at home to gain better control of the food.

6. Thou shall read labels.

When buying food, make sure you read ingredients. And remember:aim at five ingredients or less.

7. Thou shall avoid soda.

Soda is full of artificial stuff. They are full of empty calories. Avoid them at all cost.

8. Thou shall balance your diet.

Even in clean eating, a balanced diet of good carbs, fruits, vegetables and protein is important.

9. Thou shall work out.

Exercising combined with clean eating creates a healthy lifestyle.

10. Thou shall give yourself a break.

Cheated? Don't be hard on yourself. Just try to do better the next day.

Thanks for reading! 

Good luck eating clean.


5 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Baby Weight Fast Enough

Losing baby weight is entirely possible. However, it takes time, effort, and can feel frustrating. If you still struggle with losing baby weight, and it has been a while since you gave birth, perhaps you aren't making the right choices or need to readjust a few habits?

5 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Baby Weight Fast Enough?

1. You rely on breastfeeding.

Myth is that breastfeeding will help you lose baby weight. So wrong! 

Breastfeeding helps uterus contract to its normal size, but does not get rid of the extra fat accumulated during pregnancy. 

Your best bet? Try exercising and eating a healthy diet. 

2. You don't sleep enough.

When you get sufficient sleep, you are likely to make the right choices like eating healthy foods and exercising. When you don't, then you are likely to do the opposite, and therefore hinder weight loss.

3. You eat bad foods.

Exercising alone won't get you anywhere. You must eat nutritiously to achieve weight loss success.

4. You don't get help.

Pregnancy was a huge shock to the body. Sometimes, exercising and eating well just won't cut it -- at least not for a while. To speed weight loss, and decrease loose skin, try external wraps like Skinny Wraps (http://www.buyskinnywrapsnow.com/about-skinny-wraps).

5. You are impatient.

Losing weight, especially baby weight, takes time. A lot of people become impatient and start crazy diets or give up. Just keep working out, eating well, and being active. The weight will come off.

Thanks for reading!


HCG Diet Info

During both of my pregnancies, I suffered severe morning sickness. It was so terrible that I ended up at the emergency room. I always thought morning sickness was curable until I learned that itis the result of a hormone called HCG.

What is HCG?

HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It is a natural hormone produced by a pregnant woman's placenta, and controls her metabolic functions through the hypothalamus. As soon as the pregnancy terminates, HCG stops developing.

What is HCG diet?

HCG diet is a fast Weight Loss Program requiring the injection of synthetic HCG. 

A small dose of HCG is given to recipients through shots, and is coupled with low caloric diet to enhance rapid weight loss.(Daily caloric intake is said to be as low as 500 calories.)

How it works is that HCG orders your hypothalamus to exercise the fat out of fat storage. Though you only consume 500 calories a day, your body is utilizing thousands of calories.

The diet claims to blast fat cells in targeted areas while preserving muscle mass.

Where to buy HCG doses?

You can acquire HCG from certain doctors, as well as online and health stores.


Although FDA announced that HCG shots aren't necessarily harmful, the diet does raise eye brows due to its low caloric meal plan. It is suggested that all calories should come from nutritious sources like protein, vegetables and whole grains.

Who does HCG diet target?

HCG works best for people suffering obesity, as well as anyone looking to lose weight for a special occasion.

Long-term weight loss, however, still comes from healthy diet and frequent exercise.

Thanks for reading!

For more information about HCG diet, please visit source sites below.

HCG Info (http://hcgdietinfo.com)

US News, HCG Diet Dangers (http://health.usnews.com/health-news/diet-fitness/diet/articles/2011/03/14/hcg-diet-dangers-is-fast-weight-loss-worth-the-risk)

Why is a Strong Core Important?

During pregnancy, my chiropractor informed me that the reason why I experienced back pain was because pregnancy destroyed my core. Ab muscles were stretched and broken by a growing baby, leaving my back to deal with everyday stresses.

A strong core, therefore, is important:

After pregnancy, I made sure that I would work on my core again.

Many people mistake being fit as looking muscular or having the stamina to run a marathon. While muscle mass and stamina are both important, having a strong core is even more important.

Your core -- your mid section -- holds everything together. Without it, you'll fall apart. 

Reasons why a strong core is important?

1.It improves balance

When people hear "core," they immediately think of their abs. 

Not true.

Your core consists of your abs, hips, pelvis, lower back and obliques. When you train your core, you train all these areas in harmony. The stronger they are, the better balance you have.

2. It helps with weight loss

Doing cardio helps with your core tremendously. Coordinated, repetitive movements of your upper and lower body provide the exercise your core needs. In turn, cardio also reduces fat and increases weight loss.

3. It makes you perform better

Core muscles connect upper and lower body. Having a strong core gives you the agility for  dynamic movements.

4. It reduces back pain

Like I mentioned before, your core consists of other areas in addition to your abs. Having a strong core supports your back, giving you the strength to conduct strenuous moves like bending and lifting.

5. You'll look better in a bikini

Let's face it, we all want to look better naked. A lean, muscular and toned mid sectionlooks fantastic in a revealing bikini.

Thank you for reading!

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Beat Weight Loss Plateau with the Following Tricks


How to beat weight loss plateau?  

Hitting a weight loss plateau have been my problem for weeks.

Since the birth of baby no. 2, I ate well, worked out, and hydrated sufficiently. I've even kept a food journal, meticulously logging each day's caloric intake.

At first, the weight melted off, especially after I was able to return to the gym. But when weight dropped to 118 lbs -- 10 lbs over my prepregnancy weight -- weight loss suddenly stopped.

I've been stuck ever since.

Time for New Tricks 

"Perhaps it's time to try something different?" I told myself. 

And by trying new things, I finally beatweight loss plateau.
If you find yourself stuck like I did, perhaps it's time to adopt . Perhaps they will help you get over your plateau as well?

Tricks to Beat Weight Loss Plateau

Beat weight loss plateau trick 1: HIIT

HIIT stands for High Intensity Integral Training. It is a cardio workout that involves bursts of high intensity movements and low intensity recovery periods. The benefit of HIIT is that it increases metabolic rate, and therefore fat loss.

A usualHIIT session lasts about 30 minutes, and includes various cardio and weight exercises. For a sample HIIT workout, visit here.

Beat weight loss plateau trick 2: vary your workouts

Even HIIT stops working if you continue the same routine over and over again. When your body becomes accustomed to the same workout, progress slows.

A good way to speed up weight loss -- and avoid boredom -- is to vary your workouts. My suggestion is try a class like kickboxing or step aerobics. Or you can always watch a workout video to pick up new moves.

Beat weight loss plateau trick 3: cut out one bad food

You never want to deprive yourself, but cutting out just one bad food can initiate weight loss. 

If you find yourself with mad cravings, allow a cheat day, and indulge in moderation.

Beat weight loss plateau trick 4: change your environment

Sometimes you just need to get away.

Many of us settle into a routine, and become complacent. Your internal clock, therefore, becomes complacent too. Even though you workout everyday, your body may have become accustomed to both the conditioning and your surroundings. A break from daily routine might be a kick start to a new weight loss cycle.

Beat weight loss plateau trick 5: shopping

That's right. Shopping. New clothes make anyone kick up their workout a notch.

Thanks for reading!

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Introducing IgniteVitality.com


What is Ignite Vitality?

IgniteVitality.com is an online community that focuses on health, fitness and nutrition for men and women of all ages. Its wide variety of categories include Fitness and Exercise, Nutrition and Diet, Self Improvement, Beauty, disabilities and more.

The community allows members to submit articles within each specific area, and is a great place to learn health and nutrition information, and connect with others online.



Got great info that you are just dying to share? Go ahead and submit an article.


Need to ask an answer, seek advice, or just connect with like-minded people? Head on over to Community Q & A, and ask a question or join a discussion.


There are also sweepstakes to participate in (at Connect with Us Sweepstakes). All you have to do is "like" Ignite Vitality on Facebook, and "Follow" on Twitter and Google+.


Thanks for reading!

Hope you visit Ignite Vitality soon, and find it a resourceful site for health and fitness.

50 Steps to Lose 50 Kg...And Keep It Off by Sally Symonds

“The mind is really important – everyone knows what to do, they just don’t know
how to stick to it. My book tells you what I did that enabled me to lose 53kg and keep
it off.”
-Sally Symonds


Meet Sally Symonds, author, fitness and weight loss expert, and most of all, motivator. 

It's good to know Sally, because in our long journey to fitness, it's nice to have someone like her helping us along the way.

Sally, too, was once overweight, and sought help to get fit. With a lot of inspirationand even more perspiration, Sally shed 45 Kg's. That's 99.208 lbs.

“I was working all the hours under the sun which meant I had no social life. My long-term partner and I separatedbecause I was always at work. I didn’t get the promotion I had worked so hard for and I knew I was dangerouslyoverweight."

“The final push came when a family friend died from a preventable cancer and someone commented that they couldhave changed their fate if they had wanted to. I sat there and thought it’s not too late – I can change my life, and so Idid.” 

She then lost half her body size, and decided to share her own experience to help others.

In her book, 50 Steps to Lose 50 Kg...And Keep It Off, Sally offers the exact steps she took that not only transformed her body but also her mind.

Here, Sally Symondstells us about her book:

“My book outlines the exact steps I took and the changes I made – to my food intake, exercise and mind – in orderto transform from the food obsessed, exercising loathing workaholic I was then to the food loving, exercise loving,work balanced person I am now,”

“I didn’t do anything gimmicky. I didn’t set goals. I didn’t make myself accountable to anyone by announcing myintentions or getting myself an exercise buddy. I devised my own interpretation of portion size and I DID rewardmyself with food along the way. I broke all the rules (including the one about how quickly you can lose weight andkeep it off), but I did it. And others can too.” 


And with that, Sally will teach you how to throw out all the rules of dieting, and follow an unconventional but effective way to lose weight and keep it off.

Visit Sally

To learn more about Sally, as well as her book, visit www.sallysymonds.com.au 

Thank you once again for reading!

Breast Milk Test Strips

Like any new mom, I need a break; a glass of wine, perhaps, to relax after putting the kids down. But like any breastfeeding mom, I fear that drinking alcohol may poison the breast milk I'm giving to the baby. Luckily, there is a thing called Breast Milk Test Strips.



What are breast milk test strips?

Breast milk test strips are test strips that screen your milk for alcohol level.

After consuming alcoholic beverages, the alcohol that travels to your bloodstream also contaminates breast milk. Studies have shown that breast milk with even small amounts of alcohol may hinder baby's growth.Therefore, It's imperative to wait for the alcohol in your system to metabolize before nursing again.

But how long do you wait? While some resources suggest two hours, there is never certainty. Everyone metabolizes differently. That's why screening milk supply with breast milk test strips work--to give you assurance to nurse again after a relaxing glass of wine.

How do they work?

Just saturate the test strip with breast milk, shake extras off, and wait two minutes. Strip will then identify the amount of concentration of alcohol (above 0.03% is too much).

How much do they cost?

Around $28.49 for a 20-piece pack at Amazon.com.

Thank you for reading!

This post was brought to you by Durisol Build, your no. 1 place for insulating concrete forms

Since 1945, Durisol has been the top manufacturer for cement bonded wood fiber products. Its materials are made with 100% recycled waste wood and bonded with standard Portland cement to ensure top quality with no environmental danger.

For more information abotu Durisol, please visit website here.
Article Sources:

Baby Center, Alcohol and Nursing Moms, http://www.babycenter.com/0_alcohol-and-nursing-moms_3547.bc  

Lose Thigh Fat Fast - Exercises that Help You Lose Leg Fat

Ready to bare your legs for the summer?

If you feel embarrassed about wearing shorts or skirts because of thigh fat, now is the time to shape up your legs. The exercises below can't make fat disappear overnight, but they are tough, target your thighs, and can be effective with persistence.

Good luck! 

lose thigh fat fast

1. Hill Running

Running is a great aerobic exercise that works for overall fat loss. To lose thigh fat fast, kick it up a notch and go hill running. Running at a steady incline not only builds endurance but also makes thighs work harder.


HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. It is an enhanced version of interval training that switches short periods of extreme anaerobic work out with less-intense recuperation.

Like running, regular interval training is a great fat-burning exercise already, but HIIT provides extra intensity, and therefore extra fat loss. For example, while a regular interval routine involves 10 minutes of running on the treadmill followed by 10 minutes of weights, in HIIT you run for only five minutes but at maximum speed with a 2-3% incline, followed by five minutes of the same sets of weights.

3. Weighted Lunges and Squats

Lunges and squats are traditional exercises that target your thighs. To lose thigh fat faster, add weights to regular lunges and squats.

If you need even more of a work out, how about walking lunges across the room, adding another set, or add a knee-up after each repetition?

4. Hiking with Leg Weights

A fantastic exercise is hiking, because it also motivates you to get out into nature. To give your hike a "hike," wear leg weights. You'll feel your thighs burning with each step.

5. Try Spinning

Spinning is a form of indoor cycling that is taught in a choreographed, group-session style. Taught only by trained professionals and done on special spinning bicycles, the work out gets quite intense. However, each person has the option to control his or her own pace.

Spinning is much like bicycling, and targets your thighs and legs. The reason why it's popular is because it's an excellent fat-loss exercise for those with joint problems.

Thanks for reading. Hope the suggestions above help you lose thigh fat fast before summer gets here.  

This post was brought to you by WeightLossToGo.com.

What is V3?

V3 uses modern technology to bring you all natural weight loss and health supplements that's safe yet effective.

Currently, V3 offers two products: Mood, Energy and Appetite Support and Superfood Concentrate. 

Mood, Energy and Appetite suppresses your appetite between meals, and rids cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. This enables you to make better food choices. 

Superfood concentrate contains highly effective minerals, vitamin and herbs to give you daily supply of necessary nutrients.

Hear what customers have to say:

"So far, with V3 I have lost over 95 pounds! I love it. My goal is 100 pounds and I'm almost there. I can accomplish this goal because V3 gives me the control I need, the energy and focus, and I feel happy when I take it. I am in total control with no appetite, so making better decisions is easy. Lifestyle changes have been easy with V3 - the happy skinny pill!"
- Tina Wilder

"In May 2011, my aunt introduced me to V3. I had lost 50 pounds through exercise and hard work at that point, but still had health issues (high cholesterol, hypothyroid, depression) and still had a lot of weight to lose. I had hit a wall and wasn't losing any more weight. I started V3 and lost 10 pounds in the first month. That motivated me to stick with V3. It is now September 2012 and I have lost 50 more pounds, for a total weight loss of 100 pounds since January 2009! V3 has put my weight loss in hyperdrive and I love it! In addition to losing 50 pounds, I have been able to go off of depression medication, my cholesterol has gone from the 200s to 169, and my thyroid levels are in the normal range! I feel better at 32 than I did at 22. Honestly, I don't think I've ever had this much energy and happiness in my entire life!"
- Jennifer Hoody

For more information, visit Lose weight with V3- the Happy Skinny Pill! All Natural! 30 Day Guarantee! 

50 Recipes by Sally Symonds

Last week, I introduced you to Sally Symonds and her book, 50 Steps to Lose 50 Kg...And How to Keep It Off

Sally actually has a plethora of products, including a recipe book, 50 Recipes.


Why a recipe book?

“After the success of my first book, I’d lost count of how many people around Australia have
contacted me asking me exactly what I eat and how I managed to work out what’s the best
thing to buy when I’m out shopping for food...this book details the recipes
I devised to lose over 50kg – and they’re easy to prepare – most of them in as little as ten

What does 50 Recipes offer?

Over 100 delicious and healthy recipes, a general guideline of how Sally approaches food now, and the reason why diets don’t work. Plus, how hormones effect weight loss.
“I help readers get real about weight loss and shift their focus from what they should do to
what they can do now to succeed in dropping the weight for good."

Where can you find 50 Recipes?

For more information about 50 Recipes, check out www.sallysymonds.com.au. 

For more information about 50 Steps to Lose 50 Kg...And Keep It Off, visit www.sallysymonds.com.au/retail-services/books 

Thanks again for reading. Have a nice day.


Durisol Build

Today, please allow me to introduce you to Durisol Build, your no. 1 place for insulating concrete forms

About Durisol Build

Since 1945, Durisol has been the top manufacturer for cement bonded wood fiber products. 

Its materials were invented in Switzerland, through the creation of all-natural, recycled waste wood bonded with Portland cement. This creates a cost-effective yet durable and lightweight material that also benefits the environment.

About Insulating Concrete Forms

One of Durisol's materials is insulating concrete forms. It is made with mineral fiber, and insulates heat and fights moisture.The material is also positioned towards the exterior, which offers additional insulation and saves energy.

Thanks for reading!

For more information abotu Durisol, please visit website here.

Lose Postpartum Belly in 3 Steps


Gone Belly Gone!

After four months of hard work, I have finally gotten rid of my postpartum belly.

There is still much to do for my abs to return to pre-pregnancy shape, but I truly feel accomplished. (I gained over 50 pounds during each pregnancy, by the way.)

One thing I have learned from this experience is that losing a postpartum belly is a 3-step process, and takes time and effort. 

Today, I'd like to share what the three steps are. 


How to lose postpartum belly in 3 steps?

Step 1: Exercise

Exercise is non-negotiable, especially if you want ripped and sexy abs.

To maximize calorie burn, try HIIT workouts with high intensity and short intervals. HIIT workouts combine cardio and weights, and are done at maximum intensity, to create optimal results.

Step 2: Eat Right

Many say that weight loss is 10% exercise and 90% diet.

I say they are right.

A clean, low-carb diet like ketosis or paleo diet cleanses your body, gives you energy, and helps you burn calories efficiently.

Step 3: Motivation

Weight loss doesn't happen overnight. It takes many months to see any result, and can feel frustrating.

If you need help getting over a plateau, try seeking motivation from media. A great place I have found are #fitspo and #fitfam twitter groups. These groups are full of fitness-minded people with their own success stories to share.

Also, seek motivation from celeb moms who have lost their baby weight. After reading about these women's incredible success, I feel empowered to achieve my own goals. Plus, it helps to learn about weight loss diets used by celebrities.

Thanks for reading!

I hope the 3 steps above help you out.

And if you have any of your own methods for losing postpartum belly, please share them in a comment.


50 Ways to Weight-Loss Motivation by Sally Symonds

“If you can get your head into gear, your butt will soon follow. The key to weight loss success is consistency, and the key to consistency is motivation. This book teaches you how to motivate your way to success – because once you’ve found your weight loss why, you’ll easily find your weight loss how” – Sally Symonds

Re-Introducing Sally Symonds

Over the past two weeks, I introduced everyone to Sally Symonds, who used her own weight loss success to write 50 Steps to Lose 50 Kg...And Keep It Off and 50+ Recipes to Lose 50 Kg...And Keep It Off

Both books were written to help others who seek the same weight loss success.

But wait. Sally is not done.

Sally has a third installment named 50 Ways to Weight-Loss Motivation, in which she shares motivational tools and tricks that helped her stay focused and get over plateaus. 

You see, Sally didn't just lose 10 or 20 pounds. She lost 50 Kgs --that'sover 110 lbs! So she victoriously battled a long and arduous process.

Weight loss to her isn't just a one-time thing, it's a lifestyle change -- one that she is willing to share and help you achieve as well.

What 50 Ways to Weight-Loss Motivation offers:

1. Learn to love exercise.

2. Eat healthily in emergencies.

3. Free yourself from the scales.

4. Goal-setting.

5. "Goldilocks approach to weight loss." (I'm intrigued.)

Where can you get Sally's books?

Find Sally, and her motivational books, at www.sallysymonds.com.au.


Get 85% Off Prescription Medications at 80% of USA Pharmacies with CAP





What is CAP?

CAP stands for Community Assistance Program. It's an iPhone app that acts as a free electronic prescription drug discount card. 

No benefits? No problem!

CAP can be used by anyone.  

Also, it's accepted at 80% of U.S pharmacies (over 56,000 locations), and saves you anywhere between 10 to 95 percent.

Other benefits of CAP:

  • Program includes brand-name and generic drugs.
  • All drugs are FDA-approved.
  • Program offers pricing look up, and finds the lowest price at all nearby pharmacies.  
  • No painful admin required. Just present card at check out, and apply discount.
  • App also has generic look up, allowing you to save even more.
  • Overall user review of 5/5 so far.

Where can you get CAP?

Currently, the iPhone app is still in development. However, interested parties can print a hard copy of the CAP discount card at the link below, and present it to the pharmacist.


Thanks for reading!  

Breakthrough Weight Loss

Hello everyone. Today I'd like to introduce a weight loss system named Breakthrough Weight Loss.

Unlike other weight loss programs that promise quick results but never deliver, Breakthrough Weight Loss takes you through a step-by-step system that works. It eliminates dieting, puts you in the right mind set, and helps you to lasting health.


Developed by certified personal trainers Rico Caveglia and J.D Mumma, Breakthrough Weight Loss provides a comprehensive set of products, including audio, video and books. The mind/body/spiritual program takes two years to complete, and guarantees real results in the end.

What's different about the Breakthrough Program?

For one, it doesn't promise instant results. Two, it's a mind/body/spiritual program that transforms from the inside out.

For more information, please visit http://www.breakthroughweightloss.com/. 


Love Your Weight Loss by Sally Symonds

‘I went from super fat to super fit by adapting some of the best protocols from top strength and conditioning coaches around the world into strategies that beginners can use to make exercise a lot more interesting – and effective!’ - Sally Symonds

Final Installment


I am sad to announce that this blog post is the final installment of Sally Symonds' products. Learning about her was truly an amazing process, as she both encouraged and motivated me in my own weight loss journey.

For those of you who missed my earlier posts...

Sally Symonds is an Australian author, and fitness and weight loss expert. After losing more than 45 kg (or 110 lbs) -- and keeping it off -- she decided to share her secrets to help others with their weight loss.

Her methods are proven successful; her words are honest; and her information is resourceful. If you read any of her books, you'll know what I mean.

Love Your Weight Loss

'Love Your Weight Loss' is Sally's carefully-crafted weight loss system, in which you will find "convenient and personal access to all of Sally’s expertise and guidance." The system tackles weight loss one step at a time, in a "ladder commitment" process that's achievable for most people.

The result?

Making fitness and healthy living a part of your life.

Please check out 'Love Your Weight Loss' at www.sallysymonds.com.au.        

Motivational Reads


113, and (hopefully) counting.

Our little baby just turned 8-months old. I cannot believe how fast time has gone. 

How is my postpartum weight loss going?

Well, current weight is 113 lbs -- over 40 lbs less than eight months ago. However, I'm still five lbs above pre-pregnancy weight.

This is what I call a plateau! And one of the best ways to get over a weight loss plateau is by reading motivating articles online.

If you are in the same boat as I am -- hitting a weight loss plateau -- I hope you find the suggestions below helpful.

Postpartum Weight Loss - Motivational Reads:

1. How to get a six pack at http://berryripe.com/how-to-get-a-six-pack

2. The no-nonsense secrets to achieving six-pack abs at http://kodjoworkout.com/2013/02/the-no-nonsense-secrets-to-achieving-six-pack-abs/

3. How to boost weight loss - 10 tips at http://www.mommyedition.com/how-to-boost-weight-loss-10-tips

Thanks for reading!

If you have other motivational reads to recommend, please leave them in a comment.

How to Lose the Last Five Pounds of Postpartum Weight

The last five pounds of postpartum weight are frustrating indeed. After all, you've done nothing but eat properly and work out, and on top of that take care of a growing baby. What's the justice in carrying extra baggage?

Before you swear off all the healthy choices you've made so far, and reach for that bowl of ice-cream, try the suggestions below:

1. One-Day Cleanse

A cleanse doesn't deprive, but instead gives your system a break from indulging in foods, and cleans out your internal toxins. 

For one day, try drinking as much water as possible, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and finish the day with a glass of protein-rich smoothie.

2. Intensify Workout

Perhaps your weight loss plateau is caused by a lack of challenge, instead of a lack of exercise. I mean, why else would a hard-working mom like yourself have trouble with the last five pounds?

Lift heavier, run faster, or try a different workout. Anything that gives your muscles new ways to grow.

3. Sleep

When you're tired, you don't make the right decisions, including picking bad foods and skipping workouts.

Has motherhood duties intervered with proper rest? Claim needed sleep back by retiring early and sleeping in when you can. 

Thanks for reading!

Need more advice on how to lose the last five pounds of pregnancy weight? Please visit http://www.mommyedition.com/how-to-lose-those-last-5-10-or-15-pounds

Clean Eating - Does it Help You Lose Postpartum Weight?

It does. At least it helped me.

First of all, what is clean eating?

Clean eating, or eating clean if you prefer, is a life style choice of consuming foods in their most natural state, or as close to it as possible. That means little or no processed foods, and therefore plenty of fruits, vegetables, and protein.

Contrary to popular belief, clean eating is not a diet, and certainly not a quick fix; it's a healthier, simpler way of eating, with the positive side effect of weight loss for those who need it.

How does clean eating help lose postpartum weight?

I don't have scientific research, only personal experience. For me, clean eating, combined with regular exercise, got rid of all 40-something pounds of postpartum weight within a matter of a few months. I've kept the weight off since.

This was after my second pregnancy.

After my first pregnancy, though, weight loss didn't happen so quickly. Though I eventually shed all postpartum weight, it took twice as much time.

Also, I experienced differences in other aspects, like energy level, alertness, and overall appearance. By eating clean, I feel stronger, livelier, and look leaner.

That's why I spread the word.

Because I'm a true believer in clean eating.

Again, I've no scientific validation to back up my words, only personal experience. But then again, in weight loss, isn't personal experience the best motivator?

Thank you again for reading!

If you've thoughts on clean eating, or personal experience to share, please leave them in a comment.

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SHREDZ weight loss pills for men and women, combined with other forms of weight loss, help boost more energy and burn more fat during workout. It's not a suppressant, but rather an enhancer, and helps you lose fat and build lean muscles effectively.

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Tricks to Portion Control

New moms often hit a plateau after an initial weight loss, leaving them with 10 extra pounds of postpartum weight. And even with daily exercise and proper nutrition, those 10 extra pounds last forever. Why?
Lack of portion control!

In today's over-indulgent culture, people think it's absolutely normal to eat a huge plate of food at once. In reality, they just consumed three times the amount they were supposed to. Had they eaten the right portions, they'd be much fitter and slimmer.

So how do you eat proper portions when everyone around you eats a lot more food? Here are tricks I practice:

1. Use smaller plates.

When plates are smaller, food looks bigger. It's a psychological trick.

2. Get tools.

There are a set of tools that help control portions called Portion Mate. They are color-coded rings that measure the amount of food you should eat in one meal.

You can find them online at http://portionmate.com, or visit https://www.facebook.com/PortionMate and https://twitter.com/PortionMate.

3. Apply the 80% rule.

Listen to your stomach. When it's 80% full, then you should stop eating.

Thanks again for reading.

Do you have your own tricks and tips for portion control?

Motivational Reads

Sometimes we all need a bit of motivation to get fit. Here are three articles that I found both motivational and resourceful:

1. When The Scale Won't Move

In this article, you'll find out-of-the box reasons why you aren't losing as much weight as you could.

Hint: they're trickier than you thought.

Find it at When The Scale Won't Move.

2. Aging Foods That You Should Avoid

Who knew that wheat-based products can cause premature aging - and weight gain?

For other surprisingly bad food, go here.

3. Your Diet Is The Key To Longevity

Fine. You already know this. But are you truly eating the best foods?

For a diet that's built on principles, visit Your Diet Is The Key To Longevity.

Thanks again for reading!

Any motivational reads you'd like to share?

How to Ease Postpartum Joint Pain

Postpartum joint pain is something most new moms experience, yet there are little information on how to treat it. I tried to research, but haven't been successful. So, today's advice are all from personal experience.

First of all, why do new moms suffer postpartum joint pain? Well, while you're pregnant, your joints become loose as your body gets ready to give birth. After the baby's born, your joints will go back to normal, and it causes aches and pain.

I can't speak for others, but I've suffered postpartum joint pain for the entire nine months after giving birth, and it'll probably continue for a while. (After my first pregnancy, the pain lasted for one year.)

Again, all advice are from personal experience, but here's how I've been easing postpartum joint pain:

1. Massage

Throughout the day, I massage the parts that hurt. It's really just habitual, which you surely do as well, but it's one of those things that help, so I thought I'd put it down.

2. Stretches and Yoga

Stretching every morning and periodic yoga sessions help ease joint pain, because they are low-impact exercises that improve blood circulation -- both of which relieve pain and inflammation.

3. Lose Weight

Every new mom carries a few extra pounds. The extra weight is absolutely normal, but it does put pressure on your joints, and adds to the pain. Losing weight, therefore, helps.

To learn more about weight loss and joint pain, or how to prevent joint inflammation, please go http://www.jointessential.com/can-weight-loss-help-to-relieve-joint-pain and http://www.jointessential.com/lose-belly-fat-to-prevent-joint-inflammation.

Thanks for reading!

I know I'm not helping much, but maybe I'm giving ideas you can try. Have a good day!

How to beat weight loss boredom? Join the challenge!


Losing postpartum weight is extremely challenging. It took me over nine months to shed weight after our first baby. For our second one, it's even harder.

Normally I promote losing weight the traditional way -- exercising and eating clean. But when it gets frustrating, I do look for alternative solutions. One of them is doing a weight loss challenge.

The reason why I feel that a weight loss challenge works is because after so many days of the same exercise and diet, your body becomes acquainted with the routine, and stops losing weight. A weight loss challenge, with a different diet and exercise, shocks your system and gives better results. Plus, it's always good to change things up a bit.

A weight loss challenge I heard about is the Body by Vi UK 90 Day Challenge – Weight Loss Shakes & Dietary Supplements. It offers both supplements and exercises, as well as opportunities for peer support. In the last 4 years over 2 million people took the challenge, and transformed their lives. It's certainly worth looking into.

If you're bored with your current routine, and need a challenge, join and lose weight with America's No.1 Weight-Loss and Health Management platform today.

Natural Headlice Treatment from ClearLice


"In the United States, infestation with head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) is most common among preschool- and elementary school-age children and their household members and caretakers."

Says the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions at www.cdc.gov. While head lice is completely treatable, it certainly alarms busy parents, especially those with multiple children and more than enough to take care of already. 

While you can't stop lice from spreading, you can treat it easily nowadays. However, you probably want the fastest, gentlest solution. Most drugstore brands contain many chemicals and pesticides -- ingredients that ultimately harm your children. Worst of all, they either don't work, or don't work fast enough. ClearLice, a new brand of natural lice treatment, claims to cure lice in ONE DAY. Plus, it contains natural ingredients, and due to the nature of the ingredients, lice will never grow immune.

Because most of my readers at Mom Fitness Journal are moms who care...

I'm spreading the word about ClearLice. It's natural; it works; and it's worth exploring.

I know you're here to learn of fitness and nutrition tips. But the reason why you're getting fit are those you care about. And their health and well being, after all, is the most important.

Thanks for reading!

Please check out ClearLice at http://www.clearlice.com.

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